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Refund Policy

We resolve almost every request for a refund by following the terms and conditions listed below.

Expert’s unavailability

This scenario is unlikely to happen, but even it does, an expert from our end is not available to help you, and you have already made your full payment for your academic assistance. In this case, you can place any other order equal to the cost you paid. The amount you paid will be credited along with 10AUD extra from our end in your My Academics Help wallet.

This is also a scenario that happens once in a blue moon. But if the expert misses the deadline, you are required and cannot submit your order. Then you can claim a refund which will be resolved after the complete investigation from our customer support team. Any Academic Assistance is a process in which you also have to be involved, so if any query raised from our expert's end is not responded to timely by you ( in 12 hours of being posted on our student/CRM portal). Or if any kind of lack of information from your end is responsible for this missed deadline, then your claim to full or partial refund won't be entertained.

If we get to know that the delay was done from our expert's end, your refund for 50% -100% will be entertained from our end. The refund amount will be credited to your My Academics Help wallet. If any deduction is made, it is a tax against the expert who was being entirely paid for your work. Strict action will be taken against the academic writer or expert if they make any delay in your career. The decision taken by our customer support team as per the refund policy will be considered final in any such cases.

Receiving a fail grade on the work service

This is almost impossible to happen, but if it does happen that you receive a fail grade on the work submitted by us, you can claim the refund. But for the claim, you need to submit a copy of your original mark sheet or grade sheet along with your professor's feedback. The grade sheet submitted by you will be verified, and we will check whether the low grade was due to the writing style or the solution provided is not up to the mark from your grading index and for your assessment of the learning outcomes. It should be done within 60 days after receiving your solution for the order you placed.

If we find that the shortcoming was from our experts, then your 50%-100% refund will be accepted from our end. The refund amount will be credited to your My Academics Help wallet.

The decision taken by our customer support team will be final, and if the refund request is made after 60 days, as mentioned above, it won't be entertained

Important note

Any Academic Assistance is a personal service. Our experts leave no stone unturned and give the best of their efforts, knowledge, and reference so that you can achieve a good grade on your assignment. But to achieve a good grade, your dedication is also seen as an essential factor. The complete process that we follow for tutoring is designed to have no loopholes that create problems with your work. And also, the integrity of the tutoring domain in mine does not support any cash refunds other than the cases mentioned in clause 1.9. We provide you with the wallet service, which is credited with the refunds you get, and later you can use the amount for purchasing any new service from us.

Guarantee for money-back*

You could request money back if your work submitted to us received a fail grade.

We do process any cash refunds, and all the refund is credited in the My Academics Help wallet that you have.

The user can only claim the money-back guarantee if they provide the original grade sheet report and our customer support team does the verification.

The CS team decision is taken as the final decision as they thoroughly reflect the findings related to the case.

Scenarios or cases which are not eligible for the refund claim:

  • Your order has a partial payment which is pending
  • The submission deadline for your assignment is less than or equal to 72 hours.
  • The 60 days have been passed after helping you with the solution file.
  • If the submission deadline of your work is less than or equal to 72 hours, then no refund request will be entertained.
  • We do not accept refund requests if your service payment is partially paid.
  • We consider tutorial help equal to the Academic Assistance, so no cash refund is supported other than the exception mentioned in clause 1.9.
  • The refund request is accepted only if you have been noticed as an active user (clause 3.2) and have provided all the required information to our experts.
  • We accept the refund request through the formal portal provided as the client's student portal. Any refund request through social media or any other mail will not be considered proper communication
  • My Academics Help is the platform for education help, and so we only accept the refund request done within 60 days from the solution was uploaded. The day on which the solution was uploaded on your dashboard is taken as the delivery date.
  • We have the right to add your identity to our record of scammers.