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These terms and conditions apply to all users of this website and can be modified at any time without notice. Without the prior written authorisation of My Academics Help, you may not edit, copy, plagiarise, distribute, disseminate, licence, transfer, or sell any content, material, technology, data, or assistance from this domain. You may browse and print the Information of this website for rigidly private and personal, subject to the following. You recognise and willingly accept and obey these terms and conditions of use without amending by visiting this website.

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According to these Terms of Use, we allow you a temporary, non-exclusive, subject to the terms permission to access this Site and its Information for your personal, charitable use. If you are under the age of 18, you may only use this Site with the permission of your legal guardians.


We will make economical efforts to make sure that the Site is available at all times. We cannot promise that the Site will always be available. During regular maintenance or an event, the Site may be unavailable. In addition to routine maintenance, there may be times when the Site is unreachable for a short period due to unforeseen circumstances.


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General Guidelines

  • It is not possible to create several accounts. Each user should only have one account. If you fail to do so, you will risk having all of your accounts suspended.
  • When communicating with others, you are concerned for your money and safety. Please exercise caution. We make every effort to provide our fair share.
  • We retain the ability to disable your account without warning at any moment, and it includes depleting your coin supply.
  • We have the right to add your identity to our record of scammers.

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You acknowledge and accept that you are personally accountable for your use of and activity on this Site. You indemnify and hold the Mathnasium Parties (defined below) inconsequential from and against any assertions, receivables, losses, expenditures, fines, punishments, evaluations, injury or harm to persons or property, financial liability and expenses (including but not limited to indirect, special, incidental, impactful, unimpeachable, and exemplary damages), satisfactory attorneys' service charges, and costs of federal government inquiry or investigation, actually results from or going to arise out of or in any way affiliated with or tends to result from or to originate out.

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There may be inconsistencies or grammar mistakes in the material. The Business makes no warranties or guarantees concerning the material's authenticity, accuracy, correctness, or timing, or the consequences derived from using the Site or the Information. You are solely responsible for your use of the Site that is updated regularly, and we can make changes at any moment.

The Organisation does not guarantee that the portal will function without errors or our free from viruses. The Company is not liable if your use of the Site or the material necessitates the servicing or replacing components or Information.

The Organisation may use the collected data, including IP address, name, mailing address, email address, and portal, for working activities.

This contract is administered by Australian law, without regard to the rules of conflict of laws. If any provision of this agreement is deemed unlawful by a court of law, the remainder of this agreement's document will remain valid. A waiver of any provisions of this act does not imply a subsequent term. Except as expressly stated in a specific "Legal Notice," Media License, or Resource on particular pages of the Site, this memorandum of understanding constitutes the current agreement between you and the Organisation regarding the use of the portal. If we amend this contract in writing, a Company executive will sign it.